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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Being Love

"Eternity is in love with the productions of time." – William Blake

To truly love, one must be free from ego-centric desire.  We have to relinquish the “what’s-in-it-for-me?” attitude.  We have to let go.  Of course, this makes no sense from the conventional, “common sense” perspective.  From the conventional perspective love is a form of madness where one loses all judgment.  Judgment is one of the ego’s fondest strategies. On the other hand one can lose one’s ability to discriminate through desire, alcohol, drugs and other intoxicating behaviors.  To truly love means to go beyond ego while addiction, infatuation, etc. is a regression to a more primitive, pre-egoic state.
Love is our essential nature.  The universe is a manifestation of God’s love.  It is an immediate manifestation of the loving awareness present within each of us.  Love is equivalent to ananda, bliss.  When we are in love we experience a blissful awareness.  Unfortunately this often fades as we slip back into the comfortable, self-protective habits of ego.  Love is an awakening to authentic being while ego is more like a comforting rock under which we hide.  To truly love doesn’t just mean vulnerability, it means being willing to admit that you don’t exist.
We are agents of a higher power that we call love.  We think that we can limit this power to suit our needs.  The basic sense of a marriage contract is that I will love only you if you love only me.  In reality this has always been a recipe for infidelity.  Either we want to be together or we don’t.  The contract violates our very nature.  It prohibits change and growth.  The more we try to control the situation the more we mess it up.  Love is not a contract.  It is our essential nature, an openly flowing energy of eternal delight.
When we are truly open and aware of who we are, all of the conventional roles are exposed as masks.  We are not these bodies.  We are not our mind constructs. We are beings of bliss-consciousness.  Wake up to the dream.

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