"Between stimulus and response there is a
space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies
our growth and our freedom."
--Viktor Frank
liberation is not some exotic phenomenon.
Moksha means awakening to who we truly are. We have been conditioned to believe that we
are these physical bodies, that we are limited in space and time, separate from
everything and everyone. The inner reality
of things is much different. In fact it IS
reality. We are metaphysical, spiritual
or hyperdimensional beings. For some
reason we became fixated on this narrow spectrum of being.
tend to think of life as a sort of virtual computer game. Unlike the games we invent from our limited
consciousness it has different rules though.
You don’t win moksha through aggression.
You don’t win through accumulation.
You win through love, through heart expansion, inner peace and
wisdom. Although “ego” is a problem,
individuation is very important. Don’t
buy into the “herd mentality.” As
someone put it, “You have to be somebody before you can be nobody.”
allows us to step back from the drama of life.
It is essential to growth and liberation. It helps us to tune into that space between
stimulus and response, to move from being “biogenetic robots” to being conscious
beings. In whatever way that works turn
your awareness inwardly on a daily basis, examine yourself objectively. This is the key to freedom. Discover your true Self.
you are the one who is looking.)