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Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Lost Key

Self-forgetting is inherent in self-knowing. Consciousness and unconsciousness are two aspects of one life. They co-exist. To know the world you forget the self - to know the self you forget the world. ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
There is a famous Sufi story concerning Mullah Nasrudin.  His neighbors came to help him look in the street for his lost key.  Someone inquired as to where he last had it and he replied “in the house.”  When questioned why he was looking in the street the Mullah replied that the light was better outside.  A funny story but, Nasrudin generally had a point to his foolishness.
We tend to look for the source of our beings in the external world of the senses or through some kind of mental analysis.  I’m sure there will be an app for that soon.  In the same way scientists search for consciousness in brain tissue and minute neural structures (microtubules).  We look in the familiar territory of our experience in order to discover who it is that witnesses experience. 
We won’t find consciousness by refining our instruments nor through theories based in materialist science.  Consciousness is the irreducible interior of everything.  It is the Ground of Being as Paul Tillich put it.  As such it is not limited to us as individual egos.  It is the deep, universal aspect of ourselves.  It can only be found within.