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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mother Kundalini

Kundalini is the opening of that
era in human life when the ordinary mind becomes a super mind.
-    Swami Satyananda Saraswati

As human beings we are privileged with this particular form and experiential space to work with.  Over millennia consciousness has evolved out of matter, into vegetable life, the sensual experience of animals and finally into the uniquely mental experience of ours.  How easily we take it for granted!  We are the culmination of life evolving on this planet.  At the same time there is immense further territory ahead.
Kundalini is the term used by the ancient yogis for the energy which is operating through the universe yet somehow dormant within the human system.  When popular culture talks about “human potential” it has little clue as to how fantastic it really is.  As Lord Jesus once put it, “Ye are gods.”  We are the evolutionary edge on this planet.  At the same time we are in danger of stagnation and extinction. 
We need to facilitate our evolution on a conscious level through spiritual practice.  We are uniquely suited to bring spirit into form through sadhana.  Throughout the ages yogis have evolved into seeming super-humans through sadhana.  The stories of the Siddhars of Southern India and the Mahasiddhas of the North bear witness to these transcendent beings.  In Western history we have the stories of saints and mystics who have developed expanded consciousness and paranormal powers.  It is a potential within each of us.
Advanced spiritual beings impart an initiatory energy through shaktipat, which stimulates one’s process of evolution.  Shaktipat can occur in the presence of a physical or nonphysical being.  It is not a physical “thing.”  However, sometimes our material level minds need a sensory-perceptible guru.  Initiation can happen in a dream.  The evolutionary energy is just waiting for an avenue to awaken.
Once it is awakened, watch out.  One’s karma accelerates and often times it seems like all hell breaks loose.  Negative material is exploded as the light within intensifies.  It can be painful.  It doesn’t meet one’s standard expectations.  It is best to suspend judgment for the time being.  Forget about being in control.  Surrender is the only option in the face of this awakening energy.  Faith and surrender are key to keep from going crazy.