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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More Surefire Ways to Avoid Awakening

Ego is the resistance to what is.
~ Adyashanti
In my last post I focused mainly on substance abuse and codependent relationships.  These are excellent ways of avoiding any kind of psychological development or spiritual evolution.  Given that these recent posts respect one’s right to, if not devolve, at least maintain a low level stasis.  After all, growth can be painful and nobody likes pain.  As 2012 reaches its Cosmic Climax it might be a good idea to keep a good supply of oxycodone handy.  In this post, however, I want to assure everyone that it is perfectly possible to remain static while being completely socially acceptable.  No one wants to do jail time and we all want to maintain at least a pretense of having a happy, well-adjusted family.
In fact having a strong sense of superiority when it comes to addicts, homeless people, homosexuals, “nerds,” etc. is a good way of hanging onto your personal status quo.  Just keep reminding yourself that you are better than “those people”.  Duality, division and fragmentation are the heart and soul of non-awakening.  Be as self-righteous as possible.  Never admit that you might be wrong.  Never concede that others might be fellow human beings in suffering.  They just have a “victim mentality.”
Religion can actually be a great tool in this regard.  Now religion can be an evolutionary tool.  It is a vehicle for teaching morality, etc.  Don’t worry it is also a great way of avoiding any true spiritual issues.  I think it was Carl Jung who said that religion is a great way of protecting oneself from God.  Or something like that.  The important point is to maintain a sense of separateness and specialness regarding your personal religious affiliation.  Always remember that your religion is the best.  Or even better, remember that your religion is the only true one. 
I haven’t paid much attention to the Catholic belief system that I was raised in for some time.  But when I was attending Catechism classes in grade school I learned that we had stolen the copyright from the Jews and were now the “chosen people.”  Unfortunately, because I started discussing this with my peers in public school who were of different, but at least Christian orientations, I began to have my doubts.  After all they seemed nice and I liked many of them a lot.  This was the beginning of my downfall (or perhaps, “upfall” depending on one’s perspective.)  Now that I have talked with people of all kinds of different religious perspectives I feel like a spiritual slut.  Please don’t follow my example.
Adhering to a patriarchal, authoritarian and punitive belief system is essential.  Neuroscience, through the new field of “neurotheology” has shown that these kinds of belief have the ability to actually shut down the more evolved areas of the brain.  That’s what we want, right?  Always remind yourself that you are a sinner and basically unworthy.  It is not enough to separate yourself from others and feel superior.  It is also a good idea to regard yourself with disgust and loathing.  That way you are sure to get into heaven.
If you are more inclined towards the rational, scientific view, don’t worry.  Neurotheology indicates that you are just as unlikely to develop those higher cognitive and feeling functions.  Whatever your beliefs are just hold onto them tenaciously.  Your thought-construct of yourself and reality is “reality.”  ‘Nuff said.


  1. Thanks for sharing about Neurology .....

    1. You're welcome. For reference here you can go to "How God Changes Your Brain" by Andrew Newberg MD and Mark Waldman.
