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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Meditation: Key to Inner Freedom

There is nothing in the outer world, no person, no condition and no circumstance that can take away the freedom which is yours in spirit. Instead of wishing that you were free to live your life differently, accept the truth that right now you are free, free to change your thinking, free to change your outlook on life, free to be all that you long to be.
- Swami Satyananda

We generally think of oppression as something outside of ourselves. It is due to the government, our job, family, partner, lack of education, prejudice, etc. People all over the world are fighting for freedom and this is something wonderful, despite the suffering and bloodshed involved. Let’s envision a world in which every one of us has basic human rights, freedom to express ourselves and to determine our own destinies. Social and political freedom are meaningless though as long as we trapped in our own thoughts, beliefs and emotional patterns.

Yoga philosophy tells us that we are all conditioned by ignorance of our true identity. We are bound by ego-centric desire, hatred and fear. These are the root causes of our bondage. It is an insidious form of bondage of which we are often unaware. Overlaid on these are the layers of our personal and social conditioning. Due to our need to fit in and belong, to feel loved and admired, to establish our unique personal territory we have sacrificed our true nature, sabotaged our divine potential. When we judge ourselves and others, try to be in control of situations, seek approval, etc. we are adding bricks the prison wall. We hold onto our reductionist self-definitions out of fear that we might become lost in the expanse of our true being.

Meditation is a paradoxical discipline of letting go. Through the practice of deep relaxation, detached self-observation and focused awareness we can dismantle the cage of ego, deconstruct the narrative of fear, unworthiness and victimization. Meditation connects us to our inner power, grace and ease. It dissolves the barriers between ourselves and our divine source. It heals the narcissistic wounds from childhood and opens us to the presence of love.

The problem is that we can’t be free until we know who we are. Our true nature is freedom; freedom from all conditions, limitations, lack or disease. We are essentially beings of joy, light, love and boundless consciousness.

Everything else is a lie meant to enslave us.

1 comment:

  1. This is true.
    Now the breaking free.

