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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Evolving Your Consciousness

All life is evolving and man is no exception. Human evolution, the evolution which we are undergoing relentlessly, both as individuals and as a race, is a journey through the different chakras. – Swami Satyananda

The entire universe is in a process of evolution and we are part of it. It is not a completely random process as some believe, but neither is it “intelligent design” in the sense of some external schema. It is a dynamic, creative process through which the universal consciousness seeks greater freedom and greater expression within the realm of form.

The great philosopher-yogi, Sri Aurobindo, wrote, “All life here is a stage or a circumstance in an unfolding progressive evolution of a Spirit that has involved itself in Matter and is labouring to manifest itself in that reluctant substance. This is the whole secret of earthly existence.”

The entire process of evolution up to the point where human consciousness evolved is a process arising out of the universal consciousness, or what we might call God. With the advent of human beings that consciousness has entered into us as us. The universe becomes self-aware through human beings. There is a Sufi saying which captures this: “God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man.” This awakening is incomplete, however, and we are left to engage in the process of our further evolution consciously.

Even though this concept is ancient, recent psychological research supports the idea that we can consciously evolve. In an article entitled “How to Evolve in Your Lifetime,” psychologist Douglas La Bier writes, “Much research indicates that the capacity for self-evolution -- of your personality, mental capacities, relationships and actions in the world -- is based on conscious intent. That is, shaping your being is an art form, the way an artist develops, evolves and creates a painting or a composer creates music. You can make your conscious being and all that emanates from it a work of art.” (Huffington Post, 3/31/11)

We have enormous potentials dormant within us, some of which have been realized by spiritual figures such as Krishna, Buddha or Jesus. These potentials and the means for awakening them are known to the Tantric yogis. They have to do with the awakening of the dormant energy within the body-mind known as kundalini.

Kundalini is the energy or the unconscious potential within us that unfolds as we become more and more conscious; as we awaken. It is an interactive process. Consciousness and energy intersect with each other and things begin to happen. The chakras are energy centers aligned along the spinal column which represent successive stages of this unfolding.

As kundalini awakens our inner and outer life experience is transformed. We emerge from a near animal level of consciousness to realize our inner divinity, our creative sovereignty over life. As Swami Satyananda states, “Mooladhara is the most basic, fundamental chakra from where we commence our evolution, and sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. As we evolve towards sahasrara, outer experiences come our way in life, and inner experiences come to us in meditation, as different capacities and centers awaken progressively within the nervous system.” (Kundalini Tantra)

Psychological development, or ego-development, is a process of the functioning of the lower chakras within the body-mind. Yoga practices: asana, pranayama, and meditation are a means of working with the chakras and helping to awaken our higher potentials. Actually, any type of contemplative practice helps. The most powerful form of yoga for awakening kundalini and directing it to the higher centers is called kundalini kriya yoga. These are advanced practices however and require prior practice of hatha yoga and preliminary meditation methods. These can be found in Meditations from the Tantras by Swami Satyananda Saraswati but are best learned through personal instruction from an experienced teacher.

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